A development of a backpack to carry small dogs in public transport. 
Considering the significant presence of dogs in Brazilian homes alongside with the representativeness of the national pet market, which is the third largest in the world in terms of revenue in the pet products sector, it was identified the opportunity to design a product that would allow the minimum of discomfort for the pet during transport, being ergonomically suitable for both the dog and the owner, and providing a pleasant wearing experience. 
The project consisted from analysis, bibliographical research and interviews with users, to obtain the necessary data for the generation of concepts, and later the refinement and detailing of the final product developed.

The presence of pets in households, as well as the care and investments made by owners in their dogs and cats, is significant and growing both in Brazil and in other countries in Europe and North America. The National Health Survey (PNS 2013), conducted by IBGE and released in 2015, found that in 44.3% of households in the country, there is at least one dog, which amounts to 28.9 million residential units. In total, the Institute estimated that there is a population of 52.2 million dogs in Brazilian households, which averages to 1.8 dogs per household, highlighting the relevance of the presence of these two domestic animals in Brazilian homes.
Currently, Brazil is one of the most representative countries in the pet market. The PetBrasil Institute pointed out that in 2016, there was a revenue of R$ 18.9 billion in the pet products industry, showing a growth of 4.9% compared to 2015, making Brazil the third-largest market in the world in terms of pet sector revenue, surpassed only by the United States and the United Kingdom, according to the Brazilian Association of the Pet Products Industry (Abinpet).
The numbers reveal a preference of the Brazilian population for dogs, and the information related to the pet market in the country demonstrates the importance given by owners to the well-being of their pets, through the financial investment dedicated to specific products for them.
The expenses incurred by dog owners are a form of expressing attachment, as dogs are seen by humans as companion creatures, trustworthy, and almost human-like (MIKLÓSI, 2015). The close and affectionate relationship between owners and their dogs, often considered as family members, is the main reason for the dedication and expenses towards them. This close relationship between dogs and their owners, which is considered very similar to interpersonal human relationships, is also evident in the owners' concern for the physical and psychological health of the animals, through frequent visits to veterinarians and also in the search for ways to alleviate or prevent their loneliness, whether through toys and products that entertain the dog during periods when they are alone at home or through the owner's desire to be close and, consequently, take the companion for walks or trips alone or with the family.
Research summary - Pet market across the world and dogs per household in Brazil
Research summary - Pet market across the world and dogs per household in Brazil
Ergonomics research summary - Dogs and humans measurements
Ergonomics research summary - Dogs and humans measurements
Regarding this aspect of the affective relationship, the closeness and concern of dog owners extend not only to expenses on health/leisure products for the animal and veterinary consultations but also to the companionship and the right of owners to walk with their dogs in a dignified and safe manner.
Considering that there are already legislative proposals that have been approved and petitions awaiting approval, along with popular pressure, to ensure the right to use public transportation for small domestic animals.
In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, State Law 2,900/2008, obtained through popular appeal, allows and regulates the right of owners to use intercity transportation with domestic animals, defined as dogs and cats weighing up to 8kg, with the limitation of two animals per trip. In the city of Porto Alegre, in 2015, Municipal Law 11,843/2015 was also enacted, allowing small and medium-sized domestic animals, accompanied by their owners, to use public, selective, and individual transportation within the municipality.
In addition to the existing legislation in some cities, along with pending proposals and petitions in others, specifically addressing the right to transport small domestic animals, there is a study conducted by IPEA in 2011, which indicates that 65% of the population in the country's capitals use public transportation (IPEA, 2011). Considering that the capitals are the regions with the highest concentration of people, it can be deduced that over half of the population in Brazil uses this type of transportation to get around, which consequently means that a considerable portion of pet owners in the country falls into this percentage that relies on public transportation.
It is observed, therefore, that dog owners use products to facilitate the activity of transporting their domestic animals, which essentially involves a form of cargo transportation. Hence, it is possible to identify an opportunity in the pet products market niche, and consequently for the development of a product aimed at small dogs, that would allow their owners to use public transportation in the company of their beloved pets, in a safe, comfortable, and appropriate manner.

As previously mentioned, there are approved legislative projects and others in the process of approval in various cities in Brazil to ensure the population's right to use public transportation in the company of their small pets.
It can be observed, therefore, that the existence of this legislation supports the need for suitable products for the transportation of pets. Taking the legislation of the municipality of São Paulo as a reference, as it is the most detailed in establishing specific restrictions regarding the manner of transporting the animal, it can be noted that products for this type of situation are aimed at small-sized animals, according to the classification of the Brazilian Confederation of Cinophilia (CBKC), responsible for the rules and regulations for breeding, registration, pedigree issuance, and exhibition of dog breeds in Brazil. In this case, dogs, which are the majority of domestic animals in the country, with a weight limit of up to 10kg, including the weight range of small-sized dogs, from 6 to 15kg.
It is identified that despite the various products available on the market for animal transportation, they are suitable for all sizes and weights of dogs and for different means of transportation. Therefore, there is an opportunity to design a high-quality product that incorporates the positive aspects of existing products for the transportation of small dogs and includes other factors that make it more efficient to use, providing comfort and safety for both the owner and the dog.

Sketches of final concept - how the dog would fit inside

Sketches of final concept - How to assemble and small parts

Final Product

Final design - 3D rendering example

Final design - 3D rendering example

Final design - 3D rendering example

Final design - Final design - 3D rendering example exploded view

Final design - 3D rendering example

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